Nov 2016

As of the 16th October we are currently fully booked for existing clients with dogs for Christmas and New Year. If you require your dog to stay with us during this period, we would encourage you to call us and join the cancellation list. While we do receive cancellations, please be aware there is no guarantee a kennel will become available for your pet, therefore we suggest you make alternative arrangements where possible as a precaution. If you want to book your cat or small animal into the cattery over the Christmas......
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Nov 2016

Its 5pm on a Sunday and you have just realised your pet’s food has run out or they have just destroyed their Mr Cuddles toy and you need to replace it ASAP! Disaster, all the shops shut at 4pm! Why not take a trip down to our shop, we are open 7 days a week from 8am until 6pm. So take advantage of our extended opening times and pop down, our friendly staff are happy to help with any questions you may have (N.B the only two days of the year the shop......
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